MOTION: That the Zoning By-Laws of the Town be amended as set forth in the motion which is printed in the Article in the Warrant, and further that non-substantive changes to the numbering of this bylaw be permitted in order that it be in compliance with the numbering format of the Code of the Town of Lexington
The Article intends to ensure against flood loses.
Board of Selectmen in unanimous support.
Requires a two-thirds VOTE of Town Meeting.
MOTION is unanimously adopted.
Article 37: Amend Zoning Bylaw - Technical Corrections
MOTION: That the Zoning By-Laws of the Town be amended as set forth in the motion attached to the report of the Planning Board on this article, a copy of which is on file with the Town Clerk and the Planning Board, and further that non-substantive changes to the numbering of the bylaw be permitted in order that it be in compliance with the numbering format of the Code of the Town of Lexington.
Technical corrections that have no substantive effect.
Planning Board is unanimous in its support.
Board of Selectmen is unanimously in support of this Article.
Requires a two-thirds VOTE of Town Meeting.
MOTION passes unanimously.
Article 38: Amend Zoning Bylaw - Government-Civic Districts
MOTION: That the Zoning By-Laws of the Town be amended as set forth in the motion attached to the report of the Planning Board on this article, a copy of which is on file with the Town Clerk and the Planning Board, and further that non-substantive changes to the nimbering of this bylaw be permitted in order that it be in compliance with the numbering format of the Code of the Town of Lexington
- No effect on existing or anticipated uses in Government-Civic District
- No effect on neighboring properties
- Provides additional protection against undesirable future changes in use of public land
Minor MOTION to AMEND the date passes unanimously.
Planning Board is in unanimous support.
Board of Selectmen in unanimous support.
Debate kicks off with a statement in opposition by a member at the "NO" mic. Several members at the "?" mic. Now a member speaks in support at the "YES" mic.
Permitted uses:
- Municipal
- Institutional
- Agricultural
Not permitted
- Residential
- Most commercial
Special permits granted by the Planning Board
Support from a TMM and school committee member urging support from the Meeting in the event the Town needs to return conservation land back to the Town to build a new school.
Member moves to Call the Question. MOTION passes.
Town Moderator reminds that the VOTE requires two-thirds support of Town Meeting.
Main MOTION to Amend the Zoning Bylaw - Government-Civic District/s as amended passes.
Article 29: Amend the General Bylaws - Neighborhood Conservation Districts
The Planning Board Report to Town Meeting is received and placed on file. It conveys the Planning Board's position and contains details regarding the proposal that are intended to inform decision-making and to provide helpful knowledge to the public and all interested parties. More information on the article is available HERE.
Not a Zoning change but a General Bylaw change; adoption does not repeal any General Bylaw. Need for the Bylaw surfaced as part of the listening tour of the Residential Policy Committee and was modeled on one from Wellesley, and intends to enable the districts to be created (a group of homes, like those of the post-modern area at Turning Mill, and other specific elements, could establish such a district; opportunity of homeowners to opt-out). Inclusion is voluntary.
VOICE VOTE to adopt the amendment of Richard Canale passes.
Planning Board is in unanimous support of this Article.
Board of Selectmen is in unanimous support of this Article.
Historic District Commission speaks in support of establishing such neighborhoods
Historical Commission is in unanimous support and urges Town Meeting to, also.
Questions ensue.
Citizen at the "Citizen's mic" wants to maintain the mid-century vibe of his neighborhood. Article is about maintaining the character of the neighborhood.
Member speaks out of a concern for "unintended consequences". Concern is addressed by Planning Board member, saying some neighborhoods can do that because they are private and out of view. This Article requires public meetings to discuss neighborhood changes.
Another citizen speaking, pleading Town Meeting to support this article.
Member calls the question; Town Meeting agrees.
Madam Moderator reminds that this Article requires a simple majority VOTE.
VOTE on the MOTION as AMENDED passes.
Town Meeting Adjourns until next Monday, March 28 at 7:15 at the High School.
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*Note that this post is in no way an official record of the Annual Town Meeting; it is offered as information to interested persons by a member of Town Meeting.
MOTIONS for the Articles referred to in this post may be found HERE.
Some Town Meeting Members (TMMs) post their thoughts about Town Meeting Articles, questions, and process following the proceedings and in the days preceding ATM. Those postings may be viewed publicly on the Town Meeting Member’s Association (TMMA’s) email listserve HERE. Do note that only TMMs may post to the list.