Town Moderator, Deborah Brown sent out an updated schedule for tonight (only "DATE CERTAIN" items are guaranteed to be taken up).
- Recess: Town Manager remarks
- Article 35: Lexpress Resolution [DATE CERTAIN]
- Article 2: Receive Reports of Town Manager and of the Planning Board
- Planning/Land Use Articles:
- Article 36: Amend Zoning Bylaw - National Flood Insurance District
- Article 37: Amend Zoning Bylaw - Technical Corrections
- Article 38: Amend Zoning Bylaw - Government-Civic Districts
- Article 29: Neighborhood Conservation Districts
- Article 31: Amend General Bylaws - Contracts and Deeds (if ready)
I will update following tonight's meeting.
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Some Town Meeting Members (TMMs) post their thoughts about Town Meeting Articles, questions, and process following the proceedings and in the days preceding ATM. Those postings may be viewed publicly on the Town Meeting Member’s Association (TMMA’s) email listserve HERE. Do note that only TMMs may post to the list.