Monday, April 9, 2018

Article 8 – Diversity Advisory Task Force

Article 8 is now open: ARTICLE 8 — APPROPRIATE TO CREATE DIVERSITY ADVISORY TASK FORCE To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate a sum of money to support the activities of the Diversity Advisory Task Force; determine whether the money shall be provided by the tax levy, by transfer from available funds or by any combination of these methods; or act in any other manner in relation thereto. (Inserted by the Board of Selectmen and School Committee)

The Diversity Advisory Task Force is a working group that advises the Town Manager and Superintendent of Schools of potential municipal and school actions and activities to promote a culture of diversity, foster civic engagement, ensure equitable access to resources and opportunities, and suggest programs or activities that will promote a culture of respect to all people.

MOTION: That $30,000 be appropriated to support the activities of the Diversity Advisory Task Force to be spent under the direction of the Town Manager and Superintendent of Schools and that to meet this appropriation, $30,000 be raised in the tax levy.

BOS: Unanimous
SC: Unanimously in support
AC: Unanimously in support

Carl Valente, Town Manager and Superintendent Dr. Mary Czjaikowski address Town Meeting. Pleasure to interview candidates for this Diversity Advisory Task Force.

Q: When were the members appointed?
A: about 6 weeks ago
Q: how cohosen?
A: sent out to the various diverse, groups. Superintendent and I interviewed
Q: Is there a recent example, had this task force been established?
A: Not created because of a problem. There is a change in the community. Want to lead instead of reacting.
Q: A foreseen ending?
A: Too early to tell. I think it will be around for a long time; may not be the same people.

Question MIC: TMM/P9 What is the total?
A: Total of $30K; $15K came from school allocation.

Question Mic: Are there any men on the TF?
A: Yes - 2

VOTE OF TOWN MEETING (simple majority)

YES: 144
NO: 1