Monday, April 9, 2018

Article 26 - Establish, Dissolve and Appropriate to and from Specified Stabilization Funds

ARTICLE 26 — ESTABLISH, DISSOLVE AND APPROPRIATE TO AND FROM SPECIFIED STABILIZATION FUNDS To see if the Town will vote to create, amend, dissolve, rename and/or appropriate sums of money to and from Stabilization Funds in accordance with Section 5B of Chapter 40 of the Massachusetts General Laws for the purposes of: (a) Section 135 Zoning By-Law, (b) Traffic Mitigation, (c) Transportation Demand Management/Public Transportation, (d) School Bus Transportation; (e) Special Education, (f) Center Improvement District; (g) Debt Service, (h)Transportation Management Overlay District, (i) Capital; (j) Payment in Lieu of Parking; (k) Avalon Bay School Enrollment Mitigation Fund; (l) Visitor Center Capital Stabilization Fund; (m) Affordable Housing Capital Stabilization Fund; and (n) Water System Capital Stabilization Fund; determine whether the money shall be provided by the tax levy, by transfer from available funds, from fees, charges or gifts or by any combination of these methods; and further, to accept paragraph four of Section 5B of Chapter 40 of the Massachusetts General Laws, dedicating certain fees, charges, gifts or receipts to a stabilization fund; or act in any other manner in relation thereto. (Inserted by the Board of Selectmen)

This Article proposes to establish, dissolve, and/or fund Stabilization Funds for specific purposes and to appropriate funds therefrom. Money in those funds may be invested and the interest may then become a part of the particular fund. These funds may later be appropriated for the specific designated purpose, by a two-thirds vote of an Annual or Special Town Meeting, for any lawful purpose.

BOS: Unanimous
CEC: Relevant portions, unanimously in support
AC: Not just a housekeeping article, it impacts taxpayers. Unanimous
SC: Unanimous on 26f & 26g

VOTE OF TOWN MEETING (2/3 majority)
YES: 136
NO: 0

We are adjourned until Wednesday, April 11 7:30 PM