Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Article 38 – Amend Zoning Bylaw

ARTICLE 38 – AMEND ZONING BYLAW AND MAP IN COMMERCIAL DISTRICT/MARRETT ROAD (Citizen Article) To see if the Town will vote to amend the Zoning Bylaw and Map to allow additional uses and density in the commercial district along Marrett Road near Spring Street by creating a new zoning district replacing the existing CN and CS districts; or act in any other manner in relation thereto. (Inserted by Charles Minasian and 9 or more registered voters)

There are five parcels on CS side of Marrett Road. This Article seeks to replace the existing CS commercial district along Marrett Road near Spring Street with a new district, CSX, which will expand the current uses to better reflect the needs of the community. By ensuring the properties have more uses to take advantage of the Article seeks to create a sense of space that can help re-energize this important commercial area.

MOTION: Full text, revised 3/28, HERE.
Planning Board's Presentation, HERE.
Planning Board Report on this Article is HERE.
View the discussion of Town Meeting Members on the Town Meeting Member Association's public
google group HERE and HERE.

Mr. Charles (Charlie) Manisian, the Article's proponent, presents his report to Town Meeting. His website, concerning this Article, is HERE.

Board of Selectmen (BoS): Unanimously Supports (5-0)
Planning Board (PB): Opposes (4-1)
Appropriation Committee (AC):
Capital Expenditures Committee (CEC):

CITIZEN MIC: Lexington Chamber of Commerce in SUPPORT

QUESTION MIC: TMM/P8 Clarify -- art galleries? Motion says cannot?
A: Artisan work is not a "by right use", Requires a special permit. Attempt to control for possible chemical use
Q: H.1.022 -- why proponent felt that would be inappropriate?
A: Some of the neighbors didn't really care for it, but you could sell artwork there.
Q: Interested in chart with "stories" -- Table 2. How does this differ from the CS zone?
A: It does not differ.
Q: What does "inoperable vehicles" mean.
A: It means what it says. Unregistered vehicles may be stored.

CITIZEN MIC: Resident, owner of Get in Shape for Women, is in SUPPORT

A: This only applies to this.
Q: If we approve, does it encourage more developers to ask for more, small districts.
A: Can't presume to know.
Q: If approved, prevent Planning Board to modify later?
A: I think members of the PB feel this is temporary zoning
TMM says he will support this Article

CITIZEN MIC: Resident of Spring Street in SUPPORT

TMM Calls the Question
The AYES have it (voice vote)

TM Votes (requires 2/3 majority approval)
YES: 144
NO: 12