Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Article 36 – Repeal Prohibition of Recreational Marijuana Establishments

ARTICLE 36 – REPEAL PROHIBITION OF RECREATIONAL MARIJUANA ESTABLISHMENTS (Citizen Article) To see if the Town will amend the General Bylaws to repeal the Prohibition of Recreational Marijuana Establishments in Town; establish, create, adopt, and/or amend General Marijuana Bylaws, including for Medical Marijuana and Recreational Marijuana; or act in any other manner in relation thereto. (Inserted by Ethan Handwerker and 9 or more other registered voters).

This Article seeks to amend the General Bylaws to repeal the prohibition of recreational marijuana establishments in Town. More information is offered in the TMMA report.

MOTION: That Chapter 97-5 of the Code of the Town of Lexington be repealed in its entirety.

Presentation of Ethan Handwerker is HERE.

School Committee (SC): OPPOSED

QUESTION MIC: TMM/P6 to Town Counsel
A: Nothing the State has done has changed.
TMM is OPPOSED to rescinding

CITIZEN MIC: Lexington Chamber of Commerce

Q: TMM/P2 We have a moratorium, not a prohibition?
A: We have both -- general bylaw prohibition will expire, zoning moratorium will not


Q MIC: If we repeal the Gen Bylaw Prohibition, what would be the status of a retail establishment?
A: If Gen Bylaw is repealed first, signals that an application could go through. In terms of zoning, still haven't allowed for it, can see where it ends up.

TMM calls the question
The AYES have it

YES vote will repeal the town's permanent prohibition
NO vote leaves it in place

Vote of Town Meeting
YES: 24
NO: 124

The MOTION fails