Wednesday, September 21, 2016

STM 2016-5 Article 7: Establish and Appropriate to and from Specified Stabilization Funds & Motion to Dissolve STM

Article 7: Establish and Appropriate to and from Specified Stabilization Funds
(a) That $48,621.58 be appropriated to the Transportation Demand Management Stabilization Fund, and to meet this appropriation $48,621.58 be transferred from the Transportation Demand Management special revenue account;

(b) That $1,878,771 be appropriated to the Capital Stabilization Fund, and to meet this appropriation $1,878,771 be raised in the tax levy

Moved by Ms. Ciccolo of the Board of Selectman.
The Board is unanimously in support
AC: unanimous in their support
CEC: only reports on subset b; we are unanimously in support

Questions from TMMs
Can we separate the votes?
Selectmen are amenable
Town Mod - we will debate and question the two parts together, take two votes

Town Mod calls for the vote on part a:
Yes: 135
No: 0
Abstain: 1
The MOTION carries

Town Mod calls for the vote on part b (requires 2/3 majority):
Yes: 129
No: 3
Abstain: 4
The MOTION carries

Town Moderator calls for MOTION to Dissolve Special Town Meeting 2016-5
MOVED by Board of Selectmen
Voice Vote
The MOTION is approved the Meeting is Dissolved
~ 9:35 PM