Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Opening of Special Town Meeting 2016 #5

Margery Milne Battin Hall
Cary Memorial Building
1605 Massachusetts Avenue
Lexington 02420

September 21, 2016
7:30 PM

Warrant is HERE.
Articles and Reports are HERE.
Motions are HERE.

Town Moderator calls the Meeting to order at 7:30 PM


Town Moderator (TMod) calls a brief recess to hear from Members of the National Park Service who make a special presentation in honor of the 100th Anniversary of National Park Service - director of Minuteman National Park recognizing exemplary partnership.

Article 1: Reports of Town Boards, Officers, Committees
To receive the reports of any Board or Town Officer or of any Committee of the Town, or act in any other manner in relation thereto.

a. Report of the Appropriation Committee
MOTION: That the report of the AC be received and placed on file. Moved by AC Chair. TM is Unanimous - carries by voice vote

b. Report of the Capital Expenditures Committee
MOTION: That the report of the CEC be received and placed on file. Moved by CEC Chair. TM is Unanimous - carries by voice vote

c. Report of the Community Preservation Committee
MOTION: That the report of the CPC be received and placed on file. Moved by CPC Chair. TM is Unanimous - carries by voice vote

d. Report of the Assistant Town Manager for Finance (Articles 5, 6, & 7) MOTION: That the report be received and placed on file. Moved by Board of Selectmen Chair. TM is Unanimous - carries by voice vote
Assistant Town Manager for Finance, Mr. Rob Addleson makes a brief presentation to TM.