TMod asks Selectmen to move the entire Article (contains 19 sub-parts, a-s
TM will take three votes: on part g; on those parts requiring a simple majority; on those parts requiring a two-thirds majority
TM will take three votes: on part g; on those parts requiring a simple majority; on those parts requiring a two-thirds majority
Good representation of public to address 10g (traffic lights or not, among other things)
Capital Expenditures Committee member (CEC) asks for separate vote on 10p: parking meters; Selectmen: no objection (simple majority)
So, that will be a fourth vote on Article 10
Total funds requested: $10,348,960 (unofficial)For a description of the proposed projects see Section XI: Capital Investment section of the FY2017 Town Manager's Preliminary Budget and Financing Plan dated January 11, 2016 and found at
Selectmen MOVE 10g: Massachusetts Avenue - Three Intersections Improvements and Easements
Board of Selectmen: 3-1 in favor (one Selectman is an abutter and will not vote)
CEC: unanimously in favor
Appropriation Committee (AC): unanimously in favor
Planning Board: unanimously supports
Transportation Advisory Committee: approves this portion
Commission on Disability: is in favor of the signals
A Selectman, opposed, stands to give "minority report" - cites historical roadway, "this is Lexington"
TMM this is not a question about roundabouts this is about getting $6M to address deteriorating roadways
TMM at YES: the design is not up for a vote tonight; thorough process and public. All have been heard. We are voting on the first funds the Town needs to move the project forward
TMM at NO: We have discussed the design for Mass AV, and I commend the Selectmen for the open process. Implications of all the stop lights.
Citizen: Urges YES vote. Roundabouts make it very difficult to cross roads there.
9 TMMs behind YES mic
TMM Q: I'm confused. Told we were not voting on design.
A: Comprehensive review, peer review; Selectmen voted in January.
TMM: Claims that all of the Historical Commissions, etc support
A: Historical Commissions discussed over a year ago. Have not discussed since. Characterization is true
TMM: I will be voting YES
TMM at NO: Very busy corridor: pedestrian, cars, bikes. Drivers most lethal. (???)
TMM at YES: missed it
Citizen: Loves Lexington, dismayed and alarmed at the number of pedestrian accidents. Lexington has had more accidents than surrounding towns combined. For a high volume street, roundabouts will not improve pedestrian or cyclist safety. Urges support from TM.
TMM Q for Selectmen voting no: Path to signalization?
A: [Peter Kelly] yes
TMM: Even though all of the boards and committees support this?
A: We can do this and do it safely.
TMM: I'm conflicted. If this is only about funding, I'm for it.
TMM Q: When does the 75% design need to be submitted and what happens if we don't meet the deadline?
A: Within the next couple of weeks. MassDOT will make a decision as to whether or not they will keep this project on the list. If forced to compete, there's a v.g. chance this project will be dropped
TMM: so, if we fail to submit on time, we will lose funding, correct?
A: Correct
Citizen: I oppose the article. [Remarks that the Historical Commissions have not rescinded their support] Traffic lights will destroy the historical nature of the Battle Road.
TMM at YES: Misleading comments. "Bucolic Nature of Lexington" - - that bus left long ago. I checked the dictionary for bucolic: "rustic and rural, and sometimes related to shepherds". Ensure the safety of all our citizens. Lexington will always be recognized for its historic contributions
TMM at NO: Just two weeks ago, this TM voted to restrict people's property rights...yet, we are not willing to stand up to preserve the historic character of the Battle Road.
TMM Q: 10g is about intersection improvements. As written, it's for the traffic light proposal. Is it still valid to use that money for roundabouts?
A: If we approve this the project will move forward as currently designed with the traffic lights
TMM: This should be voted to be funded, no matter what.
A: to change the design this late in the process
TMM: I understand the urgency. To use this as a stop gap - - support no matter what.
Citizen: Think about the double lane roundabout at Fresh Pond and of how difficult it is to cross, or ride a bike through. Roundabouts are not safer. Look at safety first. Urges NO
TMM at YES: was motivated by the crashes and accidents involving people and pedestrians to support safer roads. Please support 10g
TMM calls the question
TMod takes voice vote - APPROVED
TMod takes voice vote - APPROVED
Final comments from maker of the MOTION
TMod calls for Vote on MOTION
Technical glitch prevents TM from electronic voting
TMod asks Clerk for Roll Call Vote:
Technical glitch prevents TM from electronic voting
TMod asks Clerk for Roll Call Vote:
Precincts 1&2: majority support
Precincts 3&4: majority support
Precincts 5&6: majority support
Precincts 7, 8, 9: majority support
Precincts 3&4: majority support
Precincts 5&6: majority support
Precincts 7, 8, 9: majority support
Town Clerk Tallies the votes
While the glitch was being addressed, TMod asks CEC and AC, TMMs for any questions on other sub-sections of Article 10.
10a will be Indefinitely Postponed (IP'd)
With vote on 10g behind us, TM is still working through other parts of Article 10:
a: IP
b: DPW Equipment
c: Street Improvements & Easements
d: Storm Drainage Improvements and NPDES Compliance
e: Hydrant Replacement Program
f: Comprehensive Watershed Storm Water Management Implementation
g: APPROVED by Roll Call Vote
h: Sidewalk Improvements, Additions, Designs, and Easements
i: Town-wide Culvert Replacement
j: Town-wide Signalization Improvements
k: Cary Memorial Library Walkway Replacement
l: Pleasant Street Sidewalk and Easements
m: Replace Town-wide Phone Systems - Phase V
n: Head End Equipment Replacement/Packet Shaper - Phase V
o: Election System Upgrade
q: Transportation Mitigation
r: Ladder Truck Replacement and
s: Public Safety Radio Stabilization
Simple majority required for Article 10 parts a, e, j, m, n, o, s: APPROVED
Two-thirds majority required for Article 10 parts b, c, d, f, h, i, j, k, l, q, r: APPROVED
Adjourned 10:30 PM (unofficial)
With vote on 10g behind us, TM is still working through other parts of Article 10:
a: IP
b: DPW Equipment
c: Street Improvements & Easements
d: Storm Drainage Improvements and NPDES Compliance
e: Hydrant Replacement Program
f: Comprehensive Watershed Storm Water Management Implementation
g: APPROVED by Roll Call Vote
h: Sidewalk Improvements, Additions, Designs, and Easements
i: Town-wide Culvert Replacement
j: Town-wide Signalization Improvements
k: Cary Memorial Library Walkway Replacement
l: Pleasant Street Sidewalk and Easements
m: Replace Town-wide Phone Systems - Phase V
n: Head End Equipment Replacement/Packet Shaper - Phase V
o: Election System Upgrade
q: Transportation Mitigation
r: Ladder Truck Replacement and
s: Public Safety Radio Stabilization
Simple majority required for Article 10 parts a, e, j, m, n, o, s: APPROVED
Two-thirds majority required for Article 10 parts b, c, d, f, h, i, j, k, l, q, r: APPROVED
Adjourned 10:30 PM (unofficial)