Asks: How do we properly educate needs of diverse students?
Finds 6 disruptive themes from 2010 census:
- The South Rises...Again
- The Browning of America
- Marrying Out is "In"
- The Silver Tsunami is About to Hit
- The End of Men
- Cooling Water from Grandma's Well...and Grandpa's too!
- we are a mobile society
- our migration trends are immigration driven
- movement is happening in 4 states in the South: 71% of 14M people going to Texas, Florida, Georgia, North Carolina
- immigration driven
- 1921-1961 most people migrating came from Europe
- 1961-1988 most people migrating came from Asia
- 1987-1998 migration from Europe fundamentally disappears
- migration and immigration are age-selected
- more young people are coming to US - having children at higher rates and "completed fertility" of white women is between 40-44 year-olds means school systems are impacted by this fundamental biology
The Graying of America
- at the same time the Browning of America is going on, the graying of native born is on the rise - the silver Tsunami is about to hit...
- also, changes in longevity - HUGE
- AND declining fertility
- longevity due to better lifestyles (healthy eating, more active lives)
- multi-generational workforce
- succession planning and accommodations for elder care - organizational game changers!
- profound shift in marriage patterns
- intermarriage trends on the rise
- no one-size fits all - kids coming in will not fit (and will not let you make them fit...!)
- children living in grandparent and non-grandparent households on the rise
- family arrangements have changed
- much more diversity
- women are about to surpass men as majority in workforce
Q: Very compelling presentation; great portrait of demographic shifts in US - to what extent do these impact globally?
A: Only region of the world not experiencing these trends is sub-Saharan Africa; a global phenom
Q: School to prison pipeline: what can we do to reduce it?
A: Rebuild a better, robust system of public schools that offer protection, affection, correction, connection. Engage our boys in a different way. Better preparation for new generation of teachers. More training in youth development.
There's more in the Storify
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More about Dr. James H. Johnson, Jr
The End of Men
2010 US Census Data