Monday, March 25, 2019

Opening Night | 2019 Annual Town Meeting

We're in Margery Milne Battin Hall of Isaac Harris Cary Memorial Building. We'll continue meeting here every Monday and Wednesday evening, except during public school vacation week, until all business has been concluded.

2019 Town Warrant is HERE.
MOTIONS dated 3/25/2019 is HERE; MOTIONS by Article Number, HERE.
Articles with MOTIONS, Reports, and Presentations, HERE.

Recommended Budget and Financing Plan (The Brown Book) is HERE.
Report of the Appropriation Committee (AC) is HERE.
Report of the Capital Expenditures Committee (CEC) is HERE.

Expected schedule tonight:
  • Article 2: Elect Deputy Moderator (Barry Orenstein)
  • DATE CERTAIN: Article 30—Reduce/Ban Polystyrene Materials (Citizen Article)
  • DATE CERTAIN: Article 31—Reduce/Ban Single-use Plastic Straws and Stirrers (Citizen Article)
  • Article 3: Cary Lecture Series
  • Article 32: Capital Expenditures Committee-related Provisions (To petition the Massachusetts General Court to enact specific legislation concerning the Town's CEC -- see p.14 of the Warrant)
  • Article 35: Amend Article III of Chapter 118 (Citizen Article)
  • Article 36: Outcomes-based Approach to Town Building Projects (Citizen Article)
Updating ensues once Town Moderator (TMod) gavels the Call to Order 

7:30 PM TMod has called the Meeting to Order.
Opening Ceremony kicks off with "Yankee Doodle" played by the Joseph Diamond Fife & Drum Corps. Minutemen Flag Corps places flags of Lexington and United States to our National Anthem by the fifes and drums.

Brief recess. State Representative Michelle Ciccolo is introduced, honors graduating seniors from Lexington High School (LHS) and from Minuteman Regional Vocational Technical High School (MM), being acknowledged for their character, perseverance, resilience, and accomplishments.

Meeting called back to order.

The Meeting is now open on Article 2Election of Deputy Moderator (DMod), Barry Orenstein. This is in the event of TMod recusal, absence, disability, etc., according to Section 118-11 of the Code of the Town of Lexington.
MOTION passes unanimously.

TMod's introductory remarks and instructions for Members designed to keep order, decorum.

Article 30—Reduce/Ban Polystyrene Materials (Citizen Article) and Article 31—Reduce/Ban Single-use Plastic Straws and Stirrers (Citizen Article) are now open.
TMMs approve taking the two Articles out of order.
Presentation by Lexington Green Teams members and Girl Scouts Troop #65411 is HERE.
Board of Selectmen (BoS): Unanimous support of both Articles
School Committee (SC): Unanimous support of both Articles
Conservation Commission: Unanimous support of both Articles
Commission on Disability: Unanimous on Article 31 only; no position taken on Article 30
Sustainable Lexington: Unanimous support of both Articles
Chamber of Commerce: In full support of Article 31; applaud the concept of Article 30, members are concerned of the economic impact of passage of Article 30, as a result, no position on Article 30
TMM/P7: Forks, spoons, plates included?
A: Felt these two items at this time
TMM: Open to Amendment?
TMod: Formal process
TMM/P3: In favor of concept. Concern of unintended consequences...Art.30 -- what about computers with Styrofoam for shipping?
A: Definitions are included, only food serviceware are listed, not packing materials
TMM: Juice boxes have straws?
A: Only prevent the actual sale of plastic straw, not juice being sold.
Citizen Mic: Professor of biodegradables...really consider the environmental impact all over the world, not only Lexington. Fully support both Articles.
TMM/P2 YES Mic: TY to LPS Green Teams and Girl Scouts. Feels good to move along on single use plastice
TMM/P1: Is Town planning to regulate compostable plastic?
A: Bylaws defines
CitizenMic: We have to take responsibility. Plastice are an eyesore and a danger.
Amendment to Art.31: to include forks, spoons, plates is outside of the scope of the warrant TMod will not allow amendment
CALL the Question -- Close debate?
Yes: 104
No: 57
Abstain: 2
Motion PASSES | DEBATE is closed
Final comments to maker of MOTION
Vote on Article 30
YES: 159
NO: 2
Vote on Article 31
YES: 160
NO: 1

Meeting now open on Article 3: Cary Lecture Series
Motion to receive Report and place on file -- unanimous
Rita Goldberg, Chair and TMM/P2, with the presentation.
BoS: unanimous
Voice Vote of TM on Article 3: Passes

MOTION to take Article 32 out of order
Meeting now open on Article 32: Capital Expenditures Committee-related Provisions (To petition the Massachusetts General Court to enact specific legislation concerning the Town's CEC -- see p.14 of the Warrant)
David Kantor, CEC, with the presentation HERE
BoS: Unanimous
Appropriation Committee (AC): Unanimous
CEC: Unanimous
SC: Unanimous
No Questions
Vote of TM
YES: 151
NO: 1

MOTION to take Article 35 out of order
TMM: Voice Vote passes
Meeting now open on Article 35: Amend Article III of Chapter 118 (Citizen Article)
Matthew Daggett, TMM/P2 with the presentation HERE
BoS: Unanimous support
AC: did not take a position
CEC: Unanimously opposed
SC: 4-1 (abstention)
Planning Board (PB): 4-1 to approve

NOmic/TMMP6: a lot of unintended consequences
YESmic/TMMP4: Not a frequent occurance, but has happened., not intended to suppress debate. 10 mins is arbitrary, some opportunity for some discussion. A good corrective for an infrequent problem
Q/TMMP8: If no debate?
A: In that case now there is clear direction to TMod about what to do.
Q/TMMP3: If person calls the Q before 10 minutes?
A: Motion to Call the Q is a subsidiary motion, gets 10 mins
Q: 10 mins?
A: Yes. Subject to discretion of TMod
Q/TMMP8: Redundant?
A: TMod has no expectation for how much debate to proceed, expectation
NOmic TMMP1: If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
Q/TMMP6: Powers of TMod? Town Counsel?
Town Counsel: TMod retains discretion. provides guidance
YESmic/TMMP8: when it comes up, I want to be able to ask questions
Q/TMMP8: Does it apply to this TM?
Town Counsel: must be approved by AG
Q/TMMP6: Minimum or maximum?
A: Minimum
Q/TMMP5: calls the Q
Voice Vote: Passes; Debate is closed
Final comments to maker of Motion
Vote of TMM on Article 35:
YES: 88
NO: 65

Meeting is now open on Article 36: Outcomes-based Approach to Town Building Projects (Citizen Article)
Dan Voss, Sustainable Lexington, with the presentation HERE.
BoS: Unanimous support
SC: Unanimous support
AC: No position
CEC: Unanimous support
Q/TMMP7: The Team to determine the policies?
A: Yes
CitizenMic: Sustainable Lexington voted unanimously to support
YES: TMM/P6, PBC Member (Permanent Building Committee)
Q/TMMP5: What, if any, changes to project sites?
A: Article requesting the BoS and SC, PBC and Facilities Department to develop policies. Objective is to follow a framework for measuring outcomes; gathering more info at the front-end.
Q/TMMP2: Impact on residential?
A: No impact
Q/TMMP2: Amend?
TMod: It is within scope of Warrant. Come up if you want to make it.
Proposed Amendment would have no binding authority, no motion to amend
No further Qs
No Final comments
Vote of TM on Article 36:
YES: 142
NO: 0

Meeting adjourned at 10:22 PM until 7:30 PM on Wednesday, March 27
Image credit: Presentation slide, Town of Lexington 2019 Annual Town Meeting ~ mas