- There's broad, bi-partisan support for career and technical education. 'Nuff said.
- Recent studies have shown that CTE dual enrollment programming may be a particularly effective high school and college completion strategy.
- Now that ESSA is in play (requiring States to ensure that their challenging State academic standards are aligned with relevant career and technical education standards), CTE can be better supported and integrated with academic coursework and dual enrollment programs.
- Greater stakeholder collaboration can be encouraged at the State and Local level, including with industry and business to ensure CTE's relevance to student's postsecondary success.
- Supporting the incorporation of skilled trade experts into the classroom by investing in building CTE educator effectiveness, recruitment, and compensation, can address some of the specific challenges facing many States and school districts.
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Select Resources:
NASBE's Career Readiness and CTE in a Post-NCLB World
Career/Vocational Technical Education on DESE's website, includes frameworks and other interesting info about C/VTE.
Video from a few years back is relevant still: https://vimeo.com/26926766
The Massachusetts Department of Higher Education released its report on The Degree Gap June 8, 2016.
NASBE maintains an online State Policy Database of College, Career, & Civic Readiness Regulations Governing Education Systems in the US