Before a Special Town Meeting (STM) was convened Monday, November 19, 2012 at 7:30 PM, there was a lovely ceremony honoring long-time Town Meeting Moderator, Marge Battin. Cary Hall Auditorium was formally renamed in her honor.
Among the STM Warrant Articles was a request to appropriate additional funds for the new Estabrook Elementary School project.
Since the discovery of PCBs at Estabrook in 2010, and subsequent ruling of the EPA to evacuate the building by December 31, 2014, the School Committee has been collaborating with the Town and MSBA to replace the facility. Citizens successfully passed a debt-exclusion override last January (2012). At the STM last spring [held within the Annual Town Meeting (ATM)], Town Meeting approved $39,742,284 for a new Estabrook School, of which an estimated $31,145,045 was dedicated for construction.
Since last spring, construction cost estimates for the project have increased $1,253,674 above what was approved. With the Request for Proposals (RFPs) for remaining work going out in a month, and with another RFP for site demolition and abatement to go out in 2014 for the 2014 summer, Town Meeting approved $2.6 million in additional appropriations.
For more about the November 19, 2012 STM, visit the Town's website HERE.
To view my voting record in Precinct 1, visit the Town Meeting Members Association website HERE.