Our Council was comprised of four parents whose children attended the school; each parent served overlapping terms of two years each with two parents elected each year. Three school staff members were elected by the staff. One parent was nominated as Co-Chair and the principal served as the other Co-Chair and also appointed one member from the community at large.
Most often we met monthly in a conference room at the school, before the start of the school day, and for about an hour. The issues we took up impacted the annual school improvement plan: the impact of class size on student performance; school safety and discipline; the school handbook; enhancing family engagement; enhancing the school and grounds and more.
The law requires Councils to:
- hold meetings in a public place and allow anyone in attendance to audio and/or video record the proceedings as long as it is not disruptive to the meeting;
- post a notice of each meeting with the city or town clerk and in a public place at least 48 hours prior to the meeting.
- keep minutes indicating the date, time, place, members present and absent, and actions taken;
- adhere to a quorum, which is to be defined as a majority of the Council members.
- setting district wide performance standards and educational policies that building-level School Improvement Plans (SIP) must take into account;
- reviewing and approving building-level SIP;
- approving a representative process for the election of parent and teacher members of the Council.